derickrethans: Mel and Yelitza
derickrethans: Vidar and Yeli
derickrethans: Sten doesn't want to see it
derickrethans: Henriette
derickrethans: Lars guarding the booze
derickrethans: and Alex drinking it..,
derickrethans: Arne finds the drink very interesting
derickrethans: Yelitza
derickrethans: Yeli and me
derickrethans: Jostein
derickrethans: Jostein, Lars, Alex, Ole, Mel and me
derickrethans: Ole Marius (somewhere)
derickrethans: Yelitza and Vinna
derickrethans: Yelitza and Vinna
derickrethans: Ole Marius
derickrethans: The "real" Norwegian christmas food
derickrethans: Guru skålling with Aquavit
derickrethans: Me again
derickrethans: Maris, Rune and Fadi
derickrethans: Anne-Kari (and Vidar)
derickrethans: Vidar toasting with Aquavit
derickrethans: Yelitza and Vinna
derickrethans: ... and now just Vinna.
derickrethans: Ole doesn't want to see what Ole is doing with his phone
derickrethans: Lars and Yelitza