derickrethans: Sebastian bringing the booze
derickrethans: The Golden Gate bridge - in the fog of course
derickrethans: Now from the other side
derickrethans: Some dude taking pictures
derickrethans: Me in front of the bridge
derickrethans: The lone camera
derickrethans: Marcus and the bridge
derickrethans: Less fog now
derickrethans: Thorsten
derickrethans: Ilia and Thorsten
derickrethans: Marcus saying aaa
derickrethans: A glory around us
derickrethans: The city exists as well
derickrethans: Fog... and rain
derickrethans: In the de Young museum
derickrethans: dsc_4049
derickrethans: Wall painting
derickrethans: Very big still life
derickrethans: Shiny objects
derickrethans: More shiny things
derickrethans: And even more
derickrethans: Ilia's heaven
derickrethans: Shields
derickrethans: It flies!
derickrethans: Angry woman