Roman Dergunov: Dragonfly-2
Roman Dergunov: Dragonfly
Roman Dergunov: Lucanus cervus
Roman Dergunov: European Peacock (Aglais io)
Roman Dergunov: Hummingbird hawk-moth
Roman Dergunov: Dragonfly
Roman Dergunov: Argynnis pandora
Roman Dergunov: Lucanus cervus
Roman Dergunov: Hummingbird hawk-moth
Roman Dergunov: Dragonfly
Roman Dergunov: Dragonfly
Roman Dergunov: Iphiclides podalirius
Roman Dergunov: Look around you:does anybody eat you?
Roman Dergunov: Damselfly on the yellow water-lilly, river Usmanka, Voronezh, Russia.
Roman Dergunov: Mantis on the flower. Lubimovka, Sevastopol, Russia.