Derell Licht: baby Coyote Mint in 2014
Derell Licht: fountain moss closeup
Derell Licht: coyote mint rising
Derell Licht: Deerweed (Acmispon glaber)
Derell Licht: oak fuzz
Derell Licht: Fremontodendron californicum (California flannelbush)
Derell Licht: baby "pettable plants"
Derell Licht: Fumaria spp (commonly Fumitory)
Derell Licht: wild Epilobium closeup
Derell Licht: Hummingbird Fuschia at Sunol Regional Wilderness
Derell Licht: Scrub Jay in Toyon
Derell Licht: Aster subulatus var. ligulatus (Annual Saltmarsh Aster)
Derell Licht: the century wall
Derell Licht: Trichostema lanceolatum (terpentine weed)
Derell Licht: Silver Lupines
Derell Licht: Coyote Mint (Monardella villosa)
Derell Licht: Emerald Bee (Agapostemon texanum)
Derell Licht: deer vetch
Derell Licht: Spear Orache - Atriplex patula hastata
Derell Licht: California loosestrife (Lythrum california)
Derell Licht: feral Ceanothus in our back yard
Derell Licht: Coffee fern (Pellaea andromedifolia)
Derell Licht: Elegant Clarkia (Clarkia unguiculata)
Derell Licht: Hedge Nettle, Stachys ajugoides
Derell Licht: Hedge Nettle, Stachys ajugoides
Derell Licht: blossom clusters
Derell Licht: one of the new fields
Derell Licht: Lithophragma affine; Woodland Star
Derell Licht: water plants - Coyote Hills R.P.
Derell Licht: Galium porrigens (Nuttall's bedstraw)