Derell Licht:
Hollyleaf Cherry (prunus ilicifolia)
Derell Licht:
Some kind of chaparral shrub
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visiting dot
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but a shadow of my former self
Derell Licht:
the Temple of the Teeth
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Unknown white fern 1
Derell Licht:
Unknown white fern blossoms
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A visiting totem
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hilltop Swallowtail
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final approach to the temple
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enthusiastic Lupines
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the mating rituals of the hillside tree monster 1
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the mating rituals of the hillside tree monster 2
Derell Licht:
The Teeth (different vantage)
Derell Licht:
the view from the teeth
Derell Licht:
the teeth at sunset
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ghosts in the daylight
Derell Licht:
buckwheat wasp
Derell Licht:
Rock Mole
Derell Licht:
Eriogonum nudum, naked stem buckwheat
Derell Licht:
Glaurung ponders finger food
Derell Licht:
Buckwheat bumblebee