DerekL: Mayday Parade, Habana
DerekL: Parade Puppet
DerekL: Che Poster
DerekL: Mayday Parade, Santa Clara
DerekL: Marchers
DerekL: Dancer
DerekL: Dancer
DerekL: Static Band
DerekL: In the parade
DerekL: Condom
DerekL: Back streets
DerekL: Shop in an Outhouse
DerekL: Train to the Sugarmill
DerekL: Turn round!
DerekL: Changing the Points
DerekL: Coupled
DerekL: Well, two in the Cab
DerekL: View forward
DerekL: View Backward
DerekL: Where the water goes in.
DerekL: Che by the train track
DerekL: Dismount
DerekL: Our Driver
DerekL: Preservation
DerekL: Our Guide to the Sugarmill
DerekL: Riding the Handcar
DerekL: Fulton Machinery
DerekL: Sugar Cane Presses
DerekL: Regulator
DerekL: Control Wheel