Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Kirk Ireton First World War Memorial 1
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Kirk Ireton First World War Memorial 2
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Kirk Ireton First World War Memorial 3
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Kirk Ireton First World War Memorial 4
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Henry Abell Memorial Pulpit 1
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Henry Abell Memorial Pulpit 2
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Leonard Ford, Derbyshire Courier 15th July 1916
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Kirk Ireton Second World War Memorial
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Kirk Ireton Second World War Memorial 2