Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Brailsford War Memorial Picture Panel
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Brailsford War Memorial First World War Panel
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Albert Whitehurst Memorial On Family Grave
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Brailsford War Memorial Second World War Panel
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Brailsford New War Memorial
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Brailsford New War Memorial - Centenary of the Start of the First World War 1914
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Brailsford New War Memorial - Centenary of the end of the First World War 1918
Derby and Derbyshire War Memorials Project: Brailsford New War Memorial - Those Who Served And Those Who Died