derbyq: look where i popped up!
derbyq: L-O-L-A lola
derbyq: angie baby
derbyq: beanie wienie
derbyq: shopping. not for the faint of heart.
derbyq: salud
derbyq: to shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring.
derbyq: hotel lobby with the giant mirror wall
derbyq: pick your friends wisely
derbyq: one of three cuties i met last friday
derbyq: starring...
derbyq: the view from a stool
derbyq: attention: good light chasers
derbyq: one of those days...
derbyq: “it is a cliche that most cliches are true, but then like most cliches, that cliche is untrue”
derbyq: cute chimper
derbyq: when i grow up i want to be a little boy