derbyq: hangover on a string
derbyq: for medicinal purposes only (wink, wink)
derbyq: the pelican did it
derbyq: three candles walk into a bar, and the bartender says....
derbyq: what can i get 'cha?
derbyq: crazy bokeh
derbyq: booze bokeh
derbyq: penguin feet
derbyq: eye strain required
derbyq: lime-y bar bokeh
derbyq: rumor has it
derbyq: tres amigos
derbyq: glass bottoms
derbyq: stormy monday blues
derbyq: hiding from whoever's ringing the damn doorbell...
derbyq: happy hour
derbyq: swizz
derbyq: i'll have the usual...
derbyq: wine rack-eh
derbyq: i want THAT job
derbyq: it's a bokeh flavored slushee!
derbyq: girls' night out
derbyq: turning water into wine
derbyq: big daddy cocktail
derbyq: margaritaville
derbyq: swirl it
derbyq: friday night shoot out
derbyq: happy birthday, erik!
derbyq: mini celebration
derbyq: happy birthday, karo!