derbilly: Deer hunters on an ATV at the start of the hike
derbilly: English Mtn from the start of the hike near French Creek
derbilly: Up English Mtn
derbilly: Getting close to the ridge
derbilly: Meadow
derbilly: Unnamed lake on English Mtn
derbilly: Views of the crest north of Donner Pass open up
derbilly: The route get rockier higher up
derbilly: Small lake tucked in a notch on English Mtn
derbilly: Talus slopes lead up from the small lake
derbilly: Ridge around a small lake on English Mtn
derbilly: Nearing the ridge top
derbilly: View South down the ridge past French Lake
derbilly: Gnarled dead tree
derbilly: Dead branches clawing at the sky
derbilly: Along the ridge of English Mtn looking South
derbilly: IMG_5717
derbilly: View North to Sierra Buttes
derbilly: View West to Sawmill and Bowman Lakes
derbilly: Faucherie Lake and Grouse Ridge
derbilly: French Lake and Donner Pass area
derbilly: View South to Granite Chief and Desolation Wilderness
derbilly: View East to Mt Lola and Castle Peak
derbilly: View of Lassen Volcanic N.P.
derbilly: On English Mtn
derbilly: Mike descending from the summit
derbilly: Faucherie Lake
derbilly: Gnarled tree
derbilly: Mike walks around small trees on the summit ridge
derbilly: Down the east slopes past hemlocks