dequeued: eloise discovers, and shows
dequeued: this seat brought a new level of excitement to eating
dequeued: headed out
dequeued: in the neighborhood
dequeued: gearing up
dequeued: ely park
dequeued: pretty plant
dequeued: comfy ride
dequeued: headed into town
dequeued: red wall
dequeued: zipped up
dequeued: low, bright sun
dequeued: race
dequeued: cathedral and bazaar
dequeued: sunny cider
dequeued: tea cups
dequeued: gracious hosts
dequeued: tea time
dequeued: phototropic
dequeued: waiting for tea
dequeued: tea/nap time
dequeued: uke recital
dequeued: autumn walk
dequeued: ely cathedral
dequeued: grounds
dequeued: glass
dequeued: conversation-go-round
dequeued: my turn
dequeued: determined
dequeued: pretty bus ride