dequeued: is today the day?
dequeued: counting & waiting at lunch
dequeued: ..and waiting
dequeued: walking it off
dequeued: near the hospital, but not yet
dequeued: no baby? back to work
dequeued: waiting, working
dequeued: obligatory schlomo pic
dequeued: getting close, jeff takes over some errands
dequeued: a few hours later..
dequeued: pink, loud, and wonderful
dequeued: making beautiful sounds
dequeued: getting cleaned up
dequeued: paper work
dequeued: stupid happy
dequeued: mom, meet eloise
dequeued: eloise, meet mom
dequeued: trying on hats
dequeued: taking it in
dequeued: so tiny
dequeued: grandma sue & eloise
dequeued: strangely, this is the *only* pic of all three of us
dequeued: oma ingrid & eloise
dequeued: ...with city views
dequeued: happy oma
dequeued: al & eloise resting
dequeued: ear as handle
dequeued: jab, protect the face!
dequeued: view from our hospital room
dequeued: time to put away the camera