depthandtime: The Orphans Dream 1850's =view
depthandtime: The Guardian Spirit
depthandtime: The Empty Crib
depthandtime: Visions of the Future 1897 =view
depthandtime: Haunted Lovers Proposal
depthandtime: Laying the Ghost
depthandtime: Orphans at their Mother's Grave
depthandtime: Drunk and Seeing Quadruple
depthandtime: The Haunted Lovers
depthandtime: Mickie's ghost
depthandtime: Ghost view 1850's
depthandtime: Dead Soldier and Angel
depthandtime: The Mother's Grave "ghost" view =stereo
depthandtime: The Dream =stereo
depthandtime: The Wife's Dream =stereo
depthandtime: Heavenly Twins, Ghost image =view
depthandtime: She Dreams of Love "Ghost View" =view
depthandtime: Woodland Angel Scene =view
depthandtime: The Empty Crib =view
depthandtime: The Mother's Grave "ghost" view 1850's anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Empty Crib Ghost view anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Ghost view 1850's anaglyph3D
depthandtime: The Wifes Dream anaglyph3D
depthandtime: The Dream anaglyph3D
depthandtime: The Guardian Spirit 1869 anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Maids Dream anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Woodland Angel Scene anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Heavenly Twins, Ghost image anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: The Empty Crib anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Visions of the Future 1897 anaglyph 3D