dalebrugh: Pizza on the Peel
dalebrugh: Pizza on the Peel
dalebrugh: Pizza on the Peel
dalebrugh: Saturn V rocket stages 1 and 2
dalebrugh: Base of Saturn V rocket stage 1
dalebrugh: Portrait of Saige
dalebrugh: Churning Ice Cream
dalebrugh: Chelsea Ships Clock Movement
dalebrugh: Winding Key
dalebrugh: Butter Dish
dalebrugh: Parking garage in the fog
dalebrugh: Select Love or Hate
dalebrugh: Bridge to #owu campus
dalebrugh: University Hall
dalebrugh: Half way through filling my tank I noticed this.
dalebrugh: Saige enjoying towels just out of the dryer.
dalebrugh: Spider's engineering talent on display.
dalebrugh: Happy and excited drainage pipe.
dalebrugh: A secret message from my teeth. This goes straight to the top of the weird fortune list.
dalebrugh: Laurentia Winery
dalebrugh: Choc
dalebrugh: Saige thinking hard
dalebrugh: Cat Foot
dalebrugh: This hotel room let's me select the season.
dalebrugh: Saige is learning about computer storage.