departing(YYZ): The Old Streets of Cusco
departing(YYZ): Cute...also dinner (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Up close and Personal (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Train on the way to Puno
departing(YYZ): Panorama over the Imposing Pasto Ruri Glacier (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Cathedral of Santo Domingo, Cusco (Peru)
departing(YYZ): The Crack
departing(YYZ): The most beautiful area in the world (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Altitude Algae (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Trying to take it all in at Machu Picchu
departing(YYZ): High Above One of the Wonders of the Americas, Machu Picchu (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Meditation at the Pasto Ruri Glacier (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Night Cathedral (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Peruvian Church
departing(YYZ): (The Desert Set) Sunset across the Peruvian Desert
departing(YYZ): Inca King Atahualpa Leading the Way (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Bird Pose (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Glacial Lake at Paso Ruri (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Knocking on a Cathedrals Door (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Vicuña Fur (Peru)
departing(YYZ): The road towards Machu Picchu (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Hey Man, Nice Teeth.
departing(YYZ): Two Generations Over Cusco (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Do Not Walk (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Experience Awe (Peru)
departing(YYZ): From the Glacier and Beyond (Peru)
departing(YYZ): Young Today, Old as a Railroad Tomorrow (Peru)
departing(YYZ): The Queen of the Andes
departing(YYZ): Stop, Watch, Take it all In
departing(YYZ): Volcanic Displays of Affection (Peru)