Konny D: it's time to say goodbye...
Konny D: SilentSeaMoments
Konny D: atumn morning foggysea
Konny D: stars & stripes
Konny D: ...end of snowing!
Konny D: new day, new sky
Konny D: ...gleam of hope ...Lichtblick
Konny D: Energysavinglampwarmlightshadow:-) Warmtonenergiesparleuchtenschatten:)
Konny D: BayWatch
Konny D: LastSummerDay
Konny D: Cloud Birthing Palm
Konny D: StormyWeather
Konny D: Fantastic World
Konny D: AutumnVilla
Konny D: Blue Moonlight Hour ...The Night Life Begin!!
Konny D: Die Nacht zum 2. Advent.
Konny D: mediterran sideway
Konny D: IceOnSticks
Konny D: ...my hometown Pergola
Konny D: seldom sandy beach mushroom
Konny D: frostige Aussichten
Konny D: sunrise.... ...from my front window :-)
Konny D: blue foggy morning
Konny D: stakes & stripes
Konny D: Blattvorleger
Konny D: ...my rurality, the night before.
Konny D: fireheaven on earth
Konny D: ...am seidenen Faden
Konny D: BackAtHome
Konny D: LakeWithoutSeason