Jeffrey Beall: Northbound Interstate-25 near Fort Collins, Colorado.
Jeffrey Beall: Terry getting the bugs off the Buick.
Jeffrey Beall: Getting gas somewhere in Wyoming.
Jeffrey Beall: Just the sign.
Jeffrey Beall: Glenn and the sign.
Jeffrey Beall: Glenn and the sign.
Jeffrey Beall: Sign, Glenn, Terry.
Jeffrey Beall: We're here!
Jeffrey Beall: Snake River, Terry, Glenn.
Jeffrey Beall: Grant Village Accomodations. "Lodge F"
Jeffrey Beall: Elk in Grant Village acting like she owned the place.
Jeffrey Beall: Grant Village Accomodations.
Jeffrey Beall: Chain of events.
Jeffrey Beall: Unstable Ground, Boiling Water. It's like an invitation.
Jeffrey Beall: Glenn shooting his first geyser.
Jeffrey Beall: Geezers and Geysers.
Jeffrey Beall: West Thumb Geyser Basin.
Jeffrey Beall: West Thumb Geyser Basin.
Jeffrey Beall: Looking down into the earth.
Jeffrey Beall: That railing ruined my shot.
Jeffrey Beall: Steamy scene with Glenn and Terry.
Jeffrey Beall: Yellowstone Lake.
Jeffrey Beall: Thermophiles.
Jeffrey Beall: Spring.
Jeffrey Beall: Continental Divide.
Jeffrey Beall: We crossed it dozens of times.
Jeffrey Beall: That's Old Faithful on the Right.
Jeffrey Beall: Terry, Me, Sign.
Jeffrey Beall: Old Faithful Geyser Sign.
Jeffrey Beall: Geyser eruption predictions for September 8, 2006.