dennoit: Kite Festival
dennoit: Mount Rushmore
dennoit: El Castillo Chichen Itza (Tri-X Film)
dennoit: Fargo Winter
dennoit: Winter Firewood (Tri-X Film)
dennoit: Golden Gate Tower (Tri-X Film)
dennoit: Golden Gate Shadow (Tri-X Film)
dennoit: Snow Day
dennoit: Asleep
dennoit: Asleep
dennoit: Garden Seats
dennoit: Garden Steps
dennoit: Epcot Profile
dennoit: Jefferson Memorial
dennoit: Dark City
dennoit: Horseshoe Falls Lost in Time
dennoit: Bridges of New York City
dennoit: New York Skyline
dennoit: Clouds Over New York
dennoit: Empire State Building
dennoit: Flowering in the Dark
dennoit: Yosemite Valley
dennoit: In the Land of Giants
dennoit: The Joshua Tree
dennoit: Hong Kong Harbor
dennoit: Group of the One Thousand Columns (Tri-X Film)
dennoit: Swan Lake
dennoit: Serpent at the Great Ball Court (Tri-X Film)
dennoit: Mount Rushmore
dennoit: Looking Up At Mount Rushmore