The Lives I lived: Rainy Morning
The Lives I lived: 怕冷又膽小的阿弟
The Lives I lived: Young Lady 淑女的阿比
The Lives I lived: Way back Home
The Lives I lived: little grass
The Lives I lived: little grass
The Lives I lived: Color Straws
The Lives I lived: Color Straws
The Lives I lived: HSR at Hsinchu
The Lives I lived: Coming now
The Lives I lived: Behind the waitng line
The Lives I lived: HSR Hsinchu station
The Lives I lived: HSR Hsinchu station
The Lives I lived: HSR Hsinchu station
The Lives I lived: Traffic Jam in the Morning
The Lives I lived: Way to go ?
The Lives I lived: 19F的夕陽
The Lives I lived: Gonna Melt Away
The Lives I lived: 6:20的公車
The Lives I lived: 六點二十的早晨