denisehurt2000: 015 McLoon House
denisehurt2000: 019 Windmill - pumped water to a copper tank in the attic, gravity fed water to sinks etc
denisehurt2000: 018 Heading upstairs
denisehurt2000: 017 Dining Living room area
denisehurt2000: 016 Window seat in living room of McLoon House
denisehurt2000: 014 Looking through the barn
denisehurt2000: 013 barn interior detail
denisehurt2000: 012 Barn door hinge
denisehurt2000: 011 DJ Shea carved in
denisehurt2000: 010 camp fire
denisehurt2000: 009 camp fire
denisehurt2000: 008 camp fire
denisehurt2000: 007 Ice Scupting
denisehurt2000: 006 Wagon Ride
denisehurt2000: 005 wagon ride
denisehurt2000: 004 Cupola
denisehurt2000: 003 Build in 1853
denisehurt2000: 002 Looking out the window
denisehurt2000: 001 McLoon Barn
denisehurt2000: 08-01-2019 Bass Pond on a cloudy day
denisehurt2000: 03-16-2019 My favorite little island is the last to get the sun in the morning
denisehurt2000: 013 Dandelions
denisehurt2000: 012 Rue Anemone
denisehurt2000: 011 Detail of mushrooms
denisehurt2000: 010 Mushrooms on a downed pine
denisehurt2000: 009 First Lady Slippers of the season for me
denisehurt2000: 008 Speedwell
denisehurt2000: 008 Celandine poppy
denisehurt2000: 007 Blue eyed grass
denisehurt2000: 006 Cinquefoil and Bluetts