denisehurt2000: 07-11-2019 Window sill on a rainy day
denisehurt2000: 07-07-2019 Lovely views at Everett Lake
denisehurt2000: 06-12-2019 sunlight trees rockwall
denisehurt2000: 06-04-2019 Stumps in the woods
denisehurt2000: 05-06-2019 WiseGuyTree
denisehurt2000: 04-22-2019 Sunlit Patch
denisehurt2000: 04-13-2019 Orchard
denisehurt2000: 04-10-2019 Apple Tree - Woodmont Orchards
denisehurt2000: 03-26-2019 Early morning on the soccer field 3-26-17
denisehurt2000: 03-09-2019 One flash of color in an otherwise gray-brown-straw colored landscape
denisehurt2000: 03-08-2019 This came up on my Facebook Memories today
denisehurt2000: Nissitissit River
denisehurt2000: 001 Through the tunnel
denisehurt2000: 008 Sunburst
denisehurt2000: 005 Emerging from the trail
denisehurt2000: 007 Princes Pine and starburst
denisehurt2000: 005 Forest floor
denisehurt2000: 007 Mown Lawn
denisehurt2000: 005 Double sunstars
denisehurt2000: 003 Crabapples
denisehurt2000: 002 Ferns in the shade
denisehurt2000: 001 Hawthorne and blue windy skies
denisehurt2000: 026 Blue sky, trees, and sun
denisehurt2000: 012 Dark stand of yound pines
denisehurt2000: Best Buds
denisehurt2000: Been there done that tree
denisehurt2000: Witches Spring
denisehurt2000: Witches Spring 2
denisehurt2000: 017 Stone wall at Stumpfield Marsh