DeniseGreathouse1: Sophia Vojensky with Denise, Chicago 1953
DeniseGreathouse1: Sophia Vojensky with Doris Vojensky
DeniseGreathouse1: chicago swifts 1953
DeniseGreathouse1: Photography Studio at 4758 South Damen Ave Chicago, IL, formerly a Tavern, later a corner grocery store, then an apartment
DeniseGreathouse1: Doris Vojensky, Sophia Vojensky, melissa
DeniseGreathouse1: Melissa Denise mom grandma v woodland park
DeniseGreathouse1: Melissa with her gr-grandmother Sophie Vojensky
DeniseGreathouse1: Family in Trnava, Slovakia
DeniseGreathouse1: Family in Trnava, Czechoslovakia, taken in 1947
DeniseGreathouse1: Family in Trnava, Slovakia, taken in 1947
DeniseGreathouse1: Family in Trnava, taken in about 1947
DeniseGreathouse1: My father Edward Vojensky, with his aunt Agnes Trop Heriban in Trnava, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia).
DeniseGreathouse1: Prague, 1947
DeniseGreathouse1: Dad in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1947
DeniseGreathouse1: Czechoslovakia, 1947 (Great Aunt Agnes Trop Heriban, son Jan Heriban, and neighborhood children
DeniseGreathouse1: Lynn Vojensky, Hank Vojensky's daughter, about 1953, Chicago IL
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