caruba: Stalwart Soldiers
caruba: Yellow Flowers in New York - Wallpaper
caruba: A Dew-Dropped Morning
caruba: Frostbitten (A Long December)
caruba: Tränendes Herz (Dicentra spectabilis)
caruba: Abstract Greenery (Alone in a Crowd)
caruba: Valentine's Day Heart!
caruba: Symbols
caruba: Here we go 'round the prickly pear...
caruba: Naturverbunden
caruba: Wallpaper
caruba: Shall We Follow?
caruba: Leucanthemum vulgare
caruba: Red Butterfly
caruba: A New Beginning!
caruba: The Moth
caruba: Clearly Fall
caruba: Fragile [Thinking of Summer]
caruba: The Mighty Dandelion
caruba: Spring Blossoms
caruba: "Pusteblume" (Center of a Dandelion Macro - Reverse Lens Experiment)
caruba: Wisp
caruba: Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
caruba: Spirals.