DenaIIi: Pride
DenaIIi: Tug 'o War
DenaIIi: Giant
DenaIIi: I see you.
DenaIIi: Attention
DenaIIi: Focus
DenaIIi: Wait For It ... Wait For It ...
DenaIIi: A hound of Baskerville
DenaIIi: Fetch at dusk
DenaIIi: Lookin' a little wolfish
DenaIIi: Big Smile
DenaIIi: The Hunt
DenaIIi: Get out of my bowl!
DenaIIi: Alli Chewing
DenaIIi: Hai!
DenaIIi: Get a breath mint!
DenaIIi: Administrative Assistance
DenaIIi: Pause
DenaIIi: Fresh Snow
DenaIIi: Hunter Hunted
DenaIIi: Snow Dogs
DenaIIi: Can You Hear Me Now?
DenaIIi: 'So then I say'...
DenaIIi: Explosion
DenaIIi: What'cha Doin'?
DenaIIi: Beg
DenaIIi: Babies
DenaIIi: Chillin'
DenaIIi: Mellow (gold)
DenaIIi: Plush