Demp2: Danger Detonators!
Demp2: Load 'em up!
Demp2: Left in a hurry
Demp2: Detonators are not toys...
Demp2: It didn't work...
Demp2: The window is keeping the room nice and sunny
Demp2: Hallway of doom
Demp2: Lights out
Demp2: Guess it wasn't nailed in right...
Demp2: anyone home?
Demp2: At least we get the sunshine
Demp2: Its all good, the door will keep out the zombies...
Demp2: Zombie town
Demp2: Tornado: "wasn't me..."
Demp2: Broom boom!
Demp2: Ready for duty...
Demp2: "diesel fuel"
Demp2: el fortes home
Demp2: "Archives"
Demp2: Looks safe enoungh to play with...
Demp2: The lab!
Demp2: Boom!
Demp2: At least his head won't hit the roof.
Demp2: Tunneler
Demp2: Where too next?