TheGodParticle: What's a girl gonna do? Noctilux f1
TheGodParticle: Leica Noctilux f1. 'nuff said.
TheGodParticle: just the two of us - m9 + Noctilux f1
TheGodParticle: The day the world went away
TheGodParticle: Noctilux = optical orgasm
TheGodParticle: Noctilux - Version 2
TheGodParticle: l'ambience
TheGodParticle: The Good Life - M9 + Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Frozen Neckar, Heidelberg. Leica M9 + Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Role reversal - Leica Noctilux @ f1
TheGodParticle: Grunge - Noctilux f1
TheGodParticle: Inflight @ f1
TheGodParticle: Jesus. I love my Noctilux f1.
TheGodParticle: Noctilux by Leica. Helping nature look better since 1976.
TheGodParticle: Noctilux by Leica. Helping nature look better since 1976.
TheGodParticle: Woman in Red
TheGodParticle: India through the Leica Noctilux and Leica M9
TheGodParticle: Noctilux Magic - straight out of the camera.
TheGodParticle: The Pundit
TheGodParticle: Take my hand
TheGodParticle: Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Bollywood
TheGodParticle: A Bird called Noctilux
TheGodParticle: A Bird called Noctilux II
TheGodParticle: Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Coffee Shop with a Noctilux
TheGodParticle: Noctilux, In Retrospect