demcanulty: the mutual laptop, the individual files
demcanulty: et viola!
demcanulty: fortunately this has a solution easily obtained by the application of traditional alchemical principles
demcanulty: ET's bangs are too long and are inhibiting her eyesight
demcanulty: apparently it is strange to take pictures of haircuts (otherwise titled 'more WHAT')
demcanulty: sleeping baby plesiosaur
demcanulty: a kind of thing that was
demcanulty: he is full of tinier turtles
demcanulty: (more peace)
demcanulty: (more zip)
demcanulty: zip!
demcanulty: zoom!
demcanulty: show and tail
demcanulty: finally they relax into a pyramid
demcanulty: chyairo hides and fatboy gets on top
demcanulty: and tenten
demcanulty: in goes kamehime
demcanulty: turtle recursion (a model of the universe)
demcanulty: peace is reached through the quiet contemplation of turtle bodies
demcanulty: WHAT
demcanulty: a disagreement as to the fine analysis of brain waves testudines
demcanulty: the hierarchy