Delvaux Christian:
Westminster Abbey
Delvaux Christian:
Westminster Abbey
Delvaux Christian:
Westminster Abbey
Delvaux Christian:
Waiting for the train
Delvaux Christian:
Vu au British Museum
Delvaux Christian:
View on the city from the Tower Bridge
Delvaux Christian:
Trafalgar Square
Delvaux Christian:
Tower Bridge
Delvaux Christian:
Time for a cigarette and a beer
Delvaux Christian:
The watchmaker
Delvaux Christian:
The Shard
Delvaux Christian:
The florist...
Delvaux Christian:
Tate Modern is changing...
Delvaux Christian:
Taking a rest at Picadilly Circus
Delvaux Christian:
Style et flammes...
Delvaux Christian:
Strange musician...
Delvaux Christian:
St Martin-in-the-Fields
Delvaux Christian:
Shooting a film for television at Carlton House Terrace
Delvaux Christian:
Saint Paul cathedral
Delvaux Christian:
Radio Times reader...
Delvaux Christian:
North Sea Fish
Delvaux Christian:
Night view from the Westminster bridge
Delvaux Christian:
Delvaux Christian:
Looking for his way...
Delvaux Christian:
London patterns
Delvaux Christian:
London Eye and County Hall
Delvaux Christian:
Delvaux Christian:
Leadenhall Market
Delvaux Christian:
Last minute confession...
Delvaux Christian:
L'accordéoniste et son Saint Bernard