Deluxx: pink tongues and dirty windows
Deluxx: dirty window dogs
Deluxx: Squinty Barkley
Deluxx: P1190003.JPG
Deluxx: Sacked out buddies
Deluxx: Buddies
Deluxx: Sharing a pillow
Deluxx: bark
Deluxx: barkelynose
Deluxx: baby boy
Deluxx: Barkley close up
Deluxx: Barkley is ready for bed
Deluxx: Barkley the jester
Deluxx: Barkley dressed for carnival
Deluxx: Barkley dressed for carnival
Deluxx: Barkley in the car
Deluxx: Barkley in the car
Deluxx: Barkley in the car
Deluxx: Barkley atop the ottoman
Deluxx: Barkley atop the ottoman
Deluxx: Barkley on his ottoman
Deluxx: whee!
Deluxx: Don't you see I'm napping here?
Deluxx: Ready for bed
Deluxx: whatcha doin?
Deluxx: Barkley in the car
Deluxx: Dog tangle
Deluxx: Dog tangle
Deluxx: Dog tangle
Deluxx: Dog tangle