kjoyner666: Machete Ridge with Buckwheat
kjoyner666: High Peaks in Afternoon
kjoyner666: Twigs
kjoyner666: Moon
kjoyner666: Knife's Edge
kjoyner666: Ridge
kjoyner666: Climbers
kjoyner666: Balconies
kjoyner666: Back down the Canyon
kjoyner666: Terminal Talus
kjoyner666: Moss
kjoyner666: Valley
kjoyner666: Lichen
kjoyner666: The Slump
kjoyner666: End of the Day
kjoyner666: Balconies on Fire
kjoyner666: Shadow at the end of Machete Ridge
kjoyner666: Tail end of Machete Ridge
kjoyner666: Elephant Rock in Late AFternoon
kjoyner666: Gray Pines in Profile
kjoyner666: The Balconies as the Day Goes to Sleep
kjoyner666: Moon over the Pinnacles
kjoyner666: Machete Ridge Behind Buckeye
kjoyner666: Machete Ridge at Sunset
kjoyner666: High Peaks at Sunset
kjoyner666: Pinnacles National Monument sign