Delytayan Third: Distagon First Shot.
Delytayan Third: 街路樹
Delytayan Third: おとしもの
Delytayan Third: 路側帯のアサガオ
Delytayan Third: 東京の空
Delytayan Third: 六本木ヒルズの明暗
Delytayan Third: 六本木の街角
Delytayan Third: A shining woman and a dark man.
Delytayan Third: 有楽町駅銀座口
Delytayan Third: 23時の有楽町駅
Delytayan Third: 関内裏通り
Delytayan Third: 夜の関内
Delytayan Third: Vending machines.
Delytayan Third: Concrete and Light.
Delytayan Third: 大さん橋夜景
Delytayan Third: 記念撮影
Delytayan Third: 夜の赤レンガ
Delytayan Third: Artificial lighting and moonlight.
Delytayan Third: A street performer
Delytayan Third: 進水式を迎えた氷川丸 1929(昭和4)年
Delytayan Third: Porthole
Delytayan Third: A chain block
Delytayan Third: 銀座夜景
Delytayan Third: 有楽町駅前到着
Delytayan Third: Friday night
Delytayan Third: JR Shinbashi Station