Agent Skwerl: Bilge fan and duct, plus grommets.
Agent Skwerl: Trimmed and clean
Agent Skwerl: What the fusc?
Agent Skwerl: Time to lose part of the air vent
Agent Skwerl: First mod!
Agent Skwerl: Excellent quality control
Agent Skwerl: The infamous Moshi Board
Agent Skwerl: Gutted
Agent Skwerl: Quality communist construction
Agent Skwerl: No more X and Y rails
Agent Skwerl: The crappy table is out
Agent Skwerl: Moshi Board is gone!
Agent Skwerl: Laser head
Agent Skwerl: Closeup of laser tube
Agent Skwerl: Wiring for rear connector
Agent Skwerl: Laser tube
Agent Skwerl: Electronics box
Agent Skwerl: Closeup of a laser mirror
Agent Skwerl: Soon, this will all be ripped apart
Agent Skwerl: NO FU YU!
Agent Skwerl: Unwrapped
Agent Skwerl: Fresh as harvest day
Agent Skwerl: The dsp, stepper controllers, and 24v power supply in place
Agent Skwerl: Testing the crosshair laser
Agent Skwerl: Crosshair laser installation
Agent Skwerl: Z axis table is installed
Agent Skwerl: New laser head with air assist nozzle
Agent Skwerl: Added y axis endstop
Agent Skwerl: Added X axis endstop
Agent Skwerl: The assembled motorized Z stage