Henry M. Diaz: Today's photo is brought to thee by the letter "C"! For #charming, #charitable, and #cool!!! ♥♥♥ #HavestQueen #Drag #NYRF #newyorkrenaissancefaire
Henry M. Diaz: Today's photo is brought to you by the letter "F"! For #Fishy, #Fun, and #Fratata!! #NYRF #LadyChamaka #Drag
Henry M. Diaz: Hey big spender! Going my way?? #LadyChamaka #drag
Henry M. Diaz: Thyne good #Mystress of the #Tarot if back in full force!!! At the #NewYorkRenaissanceFaire!! Come by and say 'ello!! ♥ #LadyChamaka #Drag #Beard
Henry M. Diaz: It's #Barbarian day at the #NewYorkRenaissanceFaire today! Thy #Queen is here to rule them all!! #Fierce #BeneGesserit #Witch
Henry M. Diaz: Today's photo is inspired by the word #Psychic!!! Can you guess what I'm thinking?? #NewYorkRenaissanceFaire #NYRF #LadyChamaka #Tarot #Drag
Henry M. Diaz: The #good word of the day is... #DIVINE! Simply DIVINE!! #LadyChamaka
Henry M. Diaz: 4th Saturday, NY Renaissance Faire
Henry M. Diaz: 2nd Weekend, NY Renaissance Faire