Pam F.: Nola
Pam F.: Carrie & Rachal
Pam F.: roundup!
Pam F.: Governor Brian Schweitzer
Pam F.: Rie and the babies
Pam F.: Main Street
Pam F.: Twins--for real
Pam F.: Dallas
Pam F.: Love the kilts
Pam F.: Joselyn & Diego
Pam F.: fire truck
Pam F.: kid float
Pam F.: Livingston Peak
Pam F.: Gotta have the Shriners
Pam F.: little boy with a dirty face and a black eye
Pam F.: Sister!
Pam F.: the pack mules are my fav
Pam F.: Cheyenne, Crystal, & Austin
Pam F.: Natalie
Pam F.: Chad
Pam F.: Obama
Pam F.: Charlie
Pam F.: Almost every town in Montana has a Mint Bar
Pam F.: Miss Teen Montana
Pam F.: Bag Pipes
Pam F.: Erlan
Pam F.: Leah
Pam F.: Tony
Pam F.: Gus of the empty candy bag