Delmar Loop: Nelly Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Nelly Concert Duck Room Blueberry Hill
Delmar Loop: Nelly and His Walk of Fame Star
Delmar Loop: Nelly and Joe Edwards 3
Delmar Loop: Nelly and Joe Edwards 2
Delmar Loop: Nelly and Joe Edwards
Delmar Loop: Crowd at Blueberry Hill
Delmar Loop: Welcome Nelly
Delmar Loop: Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Walk of Fame Star Red Shoes
Delmar Loop: Joe Edwards at the Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Robert Brookings ceremony
Delmar Loop: Mel Bay Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Mel Bay Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Mel Bay Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Mel Bay Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Mel Bay Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Mel Bay Walk of Fame
Delmar Loop: Mel's wife May accepting for Mel.
Delmar Loop: Mel Bay Walk of Fame