Dellis: A place to sit bw
Dellis: Balconies
Dellis: A place to sit
Dellis: Looking out, looking in
Dellis: Dooways and windows
Dellis: Carnage
Dellis: Shuttered
Dellis: Hallway
Dellis: Swingset bw
Dellis: Is she insane?
Dellis: Children ran here once
Dellis: Outside, looking in
Dellis: Staircase
Dellis: There's a chair in there
Dellis: Sit for a while, never leave
Dellis: The figure in the door
Dellis: Let me cook for you
Dellis: Staircase again
Dellis: Upstairs
Dellis: Hallway
Dellis: That...evil...chair
Dellis: That...evil...chair 2
Dellis: Rear entrance
Dellis: Nearing the Theatres
Dellis: Ambulances
Dellis: A glimpse of freedom
Dellis: Double doors
Dellis: Flooded room
Dellis: The lift
Dellis: The hand in the door