Dellis: dragonfly redone cropped
Dellis: The Shield Bug Sees You
Dellis: Hungry butt 5 redone
Dellis: dragonfly redone
Dellis: Moth on leaf
Dellis: Fly's eyes 1 - cropped
Dellis: Robber Fly - Cropped 2
Dellis: Incoming 3
Dellis: Ant on a leaf
Dellis: Young dragon fly -- 100% crop
Dellis: Tiny Fly (same as above, lower angle)
Dellis: Fly on greenery 2
Dellis: Jumping spider cropped
Dellis: Sun-drenched fly
Dellis: The eyes see all -- Dragonfly
Dellis: The eyes see all -- tighter crop
Dellis: Stink beetle
Dellis: orange bug cropped 2
Dellis: Bee on flower
Dellis: Ant three quarter cropped
Dellis: Hanging on...
Dellis: Hey Ma, lookit me dang teef!
Dellis: Blowie 1 - tightest crop
Dellis: Lynx spider on Frangipani
Dellis: Damselfly
Dellis: Here's looking at you, big man
Dellis: hungry butterfly eye crop
Dellis: hungry butterfly 9
Dellis: hungry blue-eyed butterfly 3
Dellis: Conflragration 2