Steph Doyle: Shiny Squared Circle
Steph Doyle: Screened Squared Circle
Steph Doyle: marker apeture
Steph Doyle: no. 2 bumper car
Steph Doyle: the blue clip
Steph Doyle: clips and bands
Steph Doyle: chrome ball 2
Steph Doyle: outlet
Steph Doyle: candy dish
Steph Doyle: no cancer
Steph Doyle: squared circle
Steph Doyle: India Pattern
Steph Doyle: Light Fixture
Steph Doyle: Pen Holder
Steph Doyle: Rubber Pad
Steph Doyle: Hydro Gauge
Steph Doyle: Engine Lifter
Steph Doyle: Engine Piston
Steph Doyle: Pyrex Flask
Steph Doyle: HOW Design Coaster
Steph Doyle: HOW Design Button
Steph Doyle: Gas Gauge Thingie
Steph Doyle: Flame Bowling Ball