joeobinary: View from apartment
joeobinary: View of apartment from the boat
joeobinary: If you work really, really, hard.
joeobinary: If you beat the system
joeobinary: If you pull off the big heist
joeobinary: If you're money
joeobinary: Funky pink hire boat vendor
joeobinary: Empuriabrava, baby!
joeobinary: Speed!
joeobinary: Late to bed, early to rise... wtf is the deal with all this water?
joeobinary: We swing into a bay at Roses
joeobinary: Anchor weighed, time for a swim... or snooze.
joeobinary: Bay at Roses
joeobinary: Jon on the doughnut
joeobinary: Me on the doughnut
joeobinary: Woooo!!
joeobinary: Cruising the marina
joeobinary: Cruising the marina some more
joeobinary: Oh yes... you will be mine.
joeobinary: Imagine streets were waterways and cars were boats
joeobinary: Skydivers
joeobinary: Spanish girl frolicks in pool at Mar Club
joeobinary: Spanish girls frolick in pool at Mar Club
joeobinary: Sunrise over the Pyrenees
joeobinary: ...and the Oscar for gayest photo goes to...
joeobinary: Seen on entering Cadaqués
joeobinary: Rooftops over Cadaqués
joeobinary: The picturesque Cadaqués
joeobinary: 1960's convertible Mercedes 230SL front
joeobinary: 1960's convertible Mercedes 230SL's bum