delhibloggers: The show is over, the crowd is gone!
delhibloggers: Petting the peacock
delhibloggers: Snakes with the peacock!
delhibloggers: The show is over, the crowd is gone!
delhibloggers: We did it! PHEW!
delhibloggers: DBB & WCI logos
delhibloggers: All the logos
delhibloggers: Organisers with Om & Matt!
delhibloggers: Organisers with Om & Matt
delhibloggers: Organisers with Matt & Om
delhibloggers: Matt & arun
delhibloggers: Matt surrounded by fans
delhibloggers: the best feature suggestion
delhibloggers: Matt clicking pictures of a group at WCI
delhibloggers: Say cheese!
delhibloggers: Om appreciating WCI
delhibloggers: matt having the last word
delhibloggers: Guftagoo - Pavan & Madhavan
delhibloggers: skdkrk reciting an ode to Wordpress
delhibloggers: Enthralled audience
delhibloggers: lucky draw for free webhosting accounts!
delhibloggers: Speaker gifts, Ankesh Kotharia
delhibloggers: Speaker Gifts, Pavan Duggal
delhibloggers: Speaker gift, AnkurB
delhibloggers: Speaker gift, Amit Aggarwal
delhibloggers: Initiation of speaker gifts
delhibloggers: Side by side
delhibloggers: Pavan's session on amended IT act
delhibloggers: Matt & Om