Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Josephine Fountain, Brandywine Park
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Cutleaves toothwort aka crows toes (Cardamine concatenata)
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Ground treepine (Lycopodium dendroideum)
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Spring beauty (Claytonia virginica)
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Trout lily (Erythronium americanum)
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: MtCuba Trillium spp (1)
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: MtCuba Duchman's Breeches
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Old Swedes Church in Philly
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Foot bridge, Brandywine Park
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Spider web, Brandywine Park
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Tulip Poplar, Dover DE
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: Tulip Poplar, Wilmington