There's A Party in my Tummy
Old School New Gadgets '09 001
Chili's Bar & Grill '09 001
Rusted Sink Knob
Candle Holder '08 001
Salt & Pepper '08 001
Salt & Pepper '08 002
Key West Art Work '08
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park Beach 002
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park Beach 001
Armani Towel Elephant
Armani Towel Dog
Kids Kicks
The Hand
The Head
For Kids Only '09
Latest Hardware Oct '09 004
Jazz on 47th Street '09 001
Jazz on 47th Street '09 002
Jazz on 47th Street '09 003
Jazz on 47th Street '09 004
My Bar Shot
Home Run Inn (Darien IL) 003
Pizza and One Knife ONLY
A Strawberry Closeup
Blackberry Life 001
Blackberry Life 002
Smith's Food (1 of 2)
Smith's Food (2 of 2)
Tree of Car Parts (2 of 9)