Dekvenga Delights: Vinnie: Alex's New DePaul Blue Demon!
Dekvenga Delights: Vinnie: Close Up and Crazy About Moving to Cali with Alex!
Dekvenga Delights: Alex's Vinnie (Side View)
Dekvenga Delights: For My Valentine: A Handsome Devil Egg
Dekvenga Delights: The WRD Warriors: Marching to McGaw Hall
Dekvenga Delights: Blue Demon Good Eggs (a.k.a., the WRD Warriors) Walking in a Neat and Orderly Fashion
Dekvenga Delights: Blue Demon Good Eggs Contemplate Auditioning for School of Music
Dekvenga Delights: Demon Pyramid
Dekvenga Delights: The Blue Demon Trio
Dekvenga Delights: Vinnie and Erin Prepare to Escort Molly to Dublin and the Irish Parliament in DePaul's Study Abroad Program!
Dekvenga Delights: Vinnie says he is THIS excited about studying in Ireland
Dekvenga Delights: Vinnie cannot wait to see Dublin with Molly
Dekvenga Delights: Disco Close Up
Dekvenga Delights: Disco Side View
Dekvenga Delights: Disco Aerial view
Dekvenga Delights: Millicent: pot belly and heart-shaped wings
Dekvenga Delights: Millicent: thinking about flying
Dekvenga Delights: Millicent: moments before a great big hug!
Dekvenga Delights: Althea: side view of a lovely jelly belly
Dekvenga Delights: Althea: Future Norberty Nurse
Dekvenga Delights: Althea: ready to give you a big Norberty hug! (close up)
Dekvenga Delights: Fritz: The Sweetest Dumpster Diver You'll Ever Meet!
Dekvenga Delights: Fritz: showing how one can eat well--even when eating out of a dumpster! (side view)
Dekvenga Delights: Eunice: The Sleuth from Planet Norberty
Dekvenga Delights: Eunice (Side View of all her rotund beauty)
Dekvenga Delights: Eunice (colorful rump view)
Dekvenga Delights: Brunhilde: a Monster Who Dreams of Being a Diva at La Scala
Dekvenga Delights: Brunhilde: Certainly Not the "Fat Lady" of Wagner's Ring Cycle! (side view)
Dekvenga Delights: Otto: My Musical-Writing Norberty!
Dekvenga Delights: Otto (pot belly side view)