deitzee: IMG_0185
deitzee: Rick, Kristin & Fred
deitzee: It's all about song choice
deitzee: Get it together, and see what's happening!
deitzee: IMG_0200
deitzee: IMG_0201
deitzee: IMG_0202
deitzee: Kristin, Brenda & Rick
deitzee: Kristin, Jon, Rick & tiny toy for Viv
deitzee: Kristin looks krazed!
deitzee: The CCLOers took over the back booth
deitzee: Sistas!
deitzee: IMG_0209
deitzee: We took lessons, ok?!
deitzee: Fred tears the place down
deitzee: CCLO circle of shit talking - KIDDING
deitzee: Brendt, Ryan & Kristin
deitzee: IMG_0220
deitzee: IMG_0221
deitzee: I'm just a tiny floating head!
deitzee: IMG_0223
deitzee: Woo!
deitzee: "Check this guy out!" -blurry Kristin
deitzee: IMG_0231
deitzee: IMG_0232
deitzee: Hey Ryan, "What's Up?"
deitzee: I'm like "woah this guy is hella good!"
deitzee: IMG_0237
deitzee: CCLO group song: "Aquarius"
deitzee: ...peeeeace will guiiiide the plaaannnetttt...