Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Mashatu photo hide B&W elephants-
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Tanzania Serengeti National Park Lion-
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: mashatu photo hide elephants-
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: tanzania lioness-
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: mashatu lioness-3495
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: african buffalo-
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Mashatu Giraffe B&W-
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: night drive leopard- Explored June 7 2015
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Land of Giants Proof Explored June 23 2015
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Serengeti giraffe b&w (1 of 1)
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Keeping Watch-
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Baby Elle B&W at hide (Pat)-