Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: White -Tailed Hawk
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Royal Tern (1)
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Male Pyrrhuloxia
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: White -Tailed Hawk
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: White -Tailed Hawk & Caracara
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Red -Tailed Hawk
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Harris's Hawk (2)
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Crested CaraCara Juvenile
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Cottontail Rabbit
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Crested CaraCara
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Cottontail rabbit
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Golden Fronted Woodpecker
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: White-tailed hawk
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Crested Caracara (1)
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Red-tailed hawk
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Red-tailed hawk2
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: White-tailed Hawk (1)
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Red-tailed Hawk (1)
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Northern Cardinal
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Black Throated Sparrow
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: _DSC8538 Green Jay
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: _DSC8630 Bobwhite Quail
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: White-tailed Hawk 2
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Mexican Ground Squirrel
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: _DSC7904-titmouse
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Red Tailed Hawk
Hayden54 Eddie and Pat: Harris's Hawk (1)