DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
National Historic Registry
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
The Gallery's Mining Doors
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
Cactus Garden
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Gallery Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
Tin Flowers
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
Open daily from 10:00am-4:00pm
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
Cactus Garden
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
The Gallery Lobby
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
The Gallery Lobby
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
Cholla Floor
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
“Portraits of DeGrazia”
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
2009 Centennial Show
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
"The Bisbee Years"
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia's Early Works
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia's Masters Thesis Oils
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia's 2009 Centennial Show
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
“Portraits of DeGrazia”
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia's 2009 Centennial Show
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
“Portraits of DeGrazia”
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
Early Works by DeGrazia
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
DeGrazia Ceramics
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
“DeGrazia's Unseen Treasures” A Selection of Paintings from the Vault
DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun Museum:
"DeGrazia's Unseen Treasures"