pauljennywilson: Practice
pauljennywilson: More lunge
pauljennywilson: Even more lunge
pauljennywilson: All together
pauljennywilson: On the fence
pauljennywilson: Sibling rivalry
pauljennywilson: The usual suspects
pauljennywilson: En Garde
pauljennywilson: Attack
pauljennywilson: Recovering the flag
pauljennywilson: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
pauljennywilson: Preparing to defend the flag
pauljennywilson: Discretion being the better part of valour
pauljennywilson: One man down
pauljennywilson: If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
pauljennywilson: Head of the table
pauljennywilson: After fencing, snacks
pauljennywilson: Dinner table conversation
pauljennywilson: Fencers on the cake
pauljennywilson: 10th birthday cake(s)
pauljennywilson: Lit candles
pauljennywilson: Blowing out
pauljennywilson: Out in one