happyespresso: new leafs
happyespresso: new leafs
happyespresso: that is the last part of parchment
happyespresso: center cut is opening
happyespresso: green thing inside
happyespresso: parchment open
happyespresso: parchment open
happyespresso: another tree
happyespresso: the bean stands up
happyespresso: peaberry
happyespresso: another one
happyespresso: my first coffee tree
happyespresso: move to shaded area
happyespresso: wet it
happyespresso: elongate bean
happyespresso: making a hole
happyespresso: geisha seeds
happyespresso: oh! it's a peaberry
happyespresso: add the soil
happyespresso: prepare the containers
happyespresso: packaged soil
happyespresso: look like a cap
happyespresso: pushing out
happyespresso: one day later
happyespresso: flyin'
happyespresso: wearing a hat
happyespresso: under the hood
happyespresso: butterfly stage
happyespresso: butterfly stage